Life Insurance Retirement Plan Advantages and Disadvantages

Darcy Bergen
3 min readMar 20, 2023

LIRPs might be an excellent method to enhance your retirement income. Yet, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to consider. Your cash value grows tax-free, and you can borrow against it if you need to. When you take out a loan against your policy, you must pay interest and your death benefit could reduce if you don’t repay it.

Those with high incomes who have maxed out their IRAs and 401(k)s can use a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP) as a tax-deferred savings method. This technique enables depositors to accumulate a cash value within the policy, which increases tax-free and can be invested in mutual funds and fixed income securities.

In addition, if you remove more than the insurance’s policy base, the excess can be taxable. You may be able to avoid paying taxes on this additional amount by taking out a tax-favored loan against your cash worth; however, you should consult with a professional to establish how this works and which options are best for you.

Your investments in your life insurance retirement plan pros cons will impact the increase of your cash value over the long run. For instance, if you invest in an equity-based retirement account such as a 401(k) or IRA during a stock market decline, your portfolio’s compounding power will likely diminish over time.

In contrast, a tax-deferred annuity that is backed by insurance company guarantees may be preferable in a bear market. Moreover, annuities offer tax-free withdrawals for eligible healthcare expenses, such as out-of-pocket medical expenses.

A common tax-efficient investment approach involves purchasing a permanent life insurance policy, such as a whole life or universal life policy, and investing the proceeds in an LIRP. Before making a selection, you must examine a variety of things, including your investment timeframe and risk tolerance.

If you are searching for a tax-advantaged way to save for retirement, you should consider cash value life insurance. A cash value insurance, unlike a standard retirement account such as a 401(k) or IRA, allows you to access the money it accumulates during your lifetime.

A cash value policy can give you and your family with retirement benefits. It also has the possibility for tax-deferred growth. But, you should only include cash value life insurance in your overall retirement strategy if you are willing to make long-term investments in the policy. This is due to the fact that the cash value of a life insurance policy is not guaranteed and is subject to market changes.

In the case of an unforeseen illness or incapacity, you should prepare a plan for cash value life insurance in close collaboration with a financial expert. You must monitor the amount of cash you withdraw and ensure that your premiums do not exceed policy restrictions.

A life insurance retirement plan might be a useful addition to a 401(k) or IRA. In contrast to other types of insurance, a life insurance retirement plan can boost your nest egg without tying up valuable assets in a bank.

The nicest aspect of a life insurance retirement plan is the ability to customize it to your personal needs. For instance, you can choose a term policy that provides coverage for a predetermined number of years, or you can go for a permanent life insurance policy that builds cash value over the course of your lifetime and allows you to access it as needed.

This form of insurance may be your and your family’s best investment. The best way to determine which choice is best for you is to consult with a financial advisor or an industry specialist. They can assist you in locating the best life insurance retirement plan for you and your family.



Darcy Bergen

In 2003, a year after launching Clear Solutions for Seniors, LLC, Darcy Bergen established Bergen Financial.